Outer Banks to Myrtle Beach

This adventurous itinerary covers 500 miles of the Atlantic Coast from the Outer Banks to Myrtle Beach. It’s filled with photo opportunities of lighthouses, wild horses, seabirds, boat rides and music shows. Also worth mentioning is the many opportunities you will have to enjoy fresh seafood. So grab your spy glass, bring a few friends and enjoy a unique new itinerary that ‘s sure to sell to your group.
Alabama Theatre Special Events

The Alabama Theater’s Special Events is a opportunity for you to choose the show you want, package it with other Myrtle Beach attractions and build you a very special trip. Make it a three or four day if you wish. Add other music shows. These shows are how you make your trip stand out from all the others.
Myrtle Beach Holidays

This is a great warm-up for the holiday season. It’s a nice getaway with two wonderful Holiday Musical Shows, plus Ripley’s Festival of Trees where 50 unique evergreens showcase the diversity of America. You can also enjoy a visit to Brookgreen Gardens where candles, handbells, carolers and art sculpture combine with a holiday meal.